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"Root yourself in prayer and scripture, and cultivate a relationship with Mary."


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What's your favorite prayer?

The Mass, particularly the Eucharistic Prayers for Reconciliation, so needed in this time.

What's your favorite thing you've read during your studies?

It was a blessing to read through the Bible during the novitiate, with the help of several excellent commentaries and introductions: Bergsma and Pitre's “A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament”, the “Ignatius Catholic Study Bible”, the “Navarre Bible,” and the “Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture.” I also found James Hitchcock’s, “History of the Catholic Church” to be an edifying overview of Church history, and Fr. William Hinnebusch, O.P.’s “The Dominicans: A Short History,” to be a great introduction to the history of the Order (

If you could join any past or current music group, which would you pick?

It would be amazing to go back and play in an orchestra with Ferenc Fricsay (d. 1963) as conductor. A while back, I came across a video of him rehearsing Smetana’s Moldau and was struck by his presence as a conductor, and the depth of his interactions with the members of the orchestra.

What is a food combination people eat that you just can’t get behind?

I enjoy peanut butter with almost every fruit. However, during the novitiate I confirmed one exception: pineapple!


What's a tip you have for young men discerning priesthood/religious life?

Discern in a concrete way: visit communities, talk with a vocation director, etc. “Come and see” is the tried and true method of Christianity in general, and discernment in particular (cf. Jn 1:39).

Any words of encouragement?

Root yourself in prayer and scripture, and cultivate a relationship with Mary. One of the most encouraging scriptures for me has been John 8:31-32, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Similarly, John 19:27, “Behold, your mother.”

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