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"Trust that God wants you to know His plan for you and will lead you toward it at the right time. In other words, don't freak out about it!"


Br. Barnabas.jpg


What's your favorite prayer?

"Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you. Take care of everything." I heard it on a podcast and started making that prayer my first words every day. It keeps me reminded that God loves me and has my well being totally under control!

What's your favorite thing you've read during your studies?

During the novitiate we read a book on contemplative prayer called Into the Silent Land, and it totally changed my prayer life from trying to convince/beg God to do what I think is best to simply sharing my heart with my closest friend and trusting that He already has a plan for whatever the situation is.

What's your favorite memory from your experience in formation?

Making simple profession was incredible! Knowing that I was not just giving myself to God and the order but doing so with my family, friends, and brothers supporting me....that's a feeling I hope I don't soon forget!

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

"Warning: May forget everything you're saying right now but not because he doesn't care or isn't listening!"


What's a tip you have for young men discerning priesthood/religious life?

Be a prayerful man. Tell Jesus everything going on in your mind and heart, and don't forget to listen for him to speak, too, if he wants. Pray the Rosary especially!! Also, don't try to do discernment alone. Talk to a spiritual director and/or vocations promoter about your vocation, and trust them to lead you well. 

Any words of encouragement?

You absolutely have a vocation to one thing or another. Do what you can to find out what it is (pray and talk to people who can assist you), but most importantly trust that God wants you to know His plan for you and will lead you toward it at the right time. In other words, don't freak out about it!

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