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"Our vocation is quite simply love, so don't overthink it. Just begin to love, and trust God with the rest."


Br. Dominick.jpg


What's your favorite prayer?

"Jesus, I trust in you."

What's your favorite memory from your experience of formation?

I remember Fr. Dave Wright speaking to us in the novitiate about his long life spent serving the Order and the Province of St. Albert the Great. At the end of his presentation, he mentioned that he had never, not once, done what he wanted to do or what he expected to do in the Dominican Order. And then he paused and told us all very clearly "And I am happy." Happiness isn't about necessarily doing what I planned or imagined. It's about following the will and love of God, and serving the People of God as best I can. 

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

"Warning: Rabid and loud extrovert approaching. Laughter and loud exclamations imminent"

If you could join any past or current music group, which would you pick?

Creedence Clearwater Revival


What's a tip you have for young men discerning priesthood/religious life?

Don't overthink it or believe that you have to have 100% certainty to embark on a priestly or religious vocation. Initial formation is all about discernment, we figure our vocation out slowly, over time, as we come to know and love Jesus more fully. 

What's something you wish you knew earlier about discernment?

Our vocation is going to be the place where we can be loved most fully and where we can love others most fully. Our vocation is quite simply love, so don't overthink it. Just begin to love and trust God with the rest.

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