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"Even when praying is difficult, God will guide your heart to your vocation, you just need to be open to His grace in prayer."


Br. Paul.jpg


What's your favorite thing you've read during your studies?

My favorite book that I have read during formation is The Intellectual Life by A.G. Sertillanges. I found this book to be inspiring and it gives a great overview of the spirituality of study in the Dominican tradition.

What's your favorite memory from your experience of formation?

One of my favorite memories in my formation is when the brothers and I during the novitiate went to the mountains to cut down a Christmas tree for the priory. We had to walk up the slope of the mountain to find the right tree. After cutting down the tree, we transported it to the bottom of the slope by holding onto the branches while sliding down the snow. We ended up crash landing into a ditch. 

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

"Warning: I might go into biologist mode and start identifying the species of different animals."

If you had to eat a crayon, which color would you choose and why?

If I'm in the situation where I had to eat a crayon, I would probably eat a white crayon. White crayons don't get a lot of use so I might as well chow down on one. 


What's a tip you have for young men discerning priesthood/religious life?

Spend some time every day in meditative prayer and try to go to Eucharistic adoration frequently. Consistent silent prayer with God is essential when discerning a vocation to religious life or priesthood. Even when praying is difficult, God will guide your heart to your vocation, you just need to be open to His grace in prayer. 

Any words of encouragement?

Always trust in God's providence while discerning. You only have something to gain when you are pursuing a vocation to religious life or priesthood. 

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